Dr.Nallathambi Varadaraj is a veteran with over 45 years of diverse experience in the field of hydro-geology and water management. After Completing B.Sc. from Madurai University in the year 1973, he joined the M.Tech programme in Applied Geology from University of Roorkee (presently IIT,Roorkee) in the year 1976. Later he joined Central Ground Water Board( CGWB),Government of India, and after 36 years of illustrious service, he superannuated as MEMBER, Central Ground Water Board(Rank of Joint Secretary) in the year 2013. Trained in various reputed institutions in India and overseas on Ground water related subjects and Administration, including Advanced Ground Water modelling training at IHE, Netherlands. Published more than 30 papers in Seminars, Workshops and Journals nationally
Presently he has taken a role of Executive Chairman of Krisha Geo Ventures Private Limited and guiding team of professionals in various works related to ground water management and rain water harvesting across Industries, Mines and other Commercial ventures.
Mr.Chakravarthy Varadaraj has over 16 years of diverse experience across sectors spanning Industrial operations,
Banking, Investment advisory, Equity research, Horticulture and Realty.
He has a background in engineering with Master’s degree from Federation University, Australia.
He completed his MBA, specialising in Operations and Finance from BIM, Trichy in the year 2011.
His other venture, Krisha Agro is involved in protected cultivation under Polyhouse of cut flowers for exports.
Krisha Agro https://www.facebook.com/krishaagro/
Being a water conservationist and from practical experience of being a horticulturist, he is a strong advocate for
judicious use of available water. He looks after the general operations of the company and
oversees project implementation related to Rainwater Harvesting.